Code Record


[DOI: 10.21982/m1rv-hq77] ECRVEE: Estimation and Correction of Range-variant Envelope Error in RMA Imagery
Chen, Jianlai; Xing, Mengdao
This is the MATLAB code for the estimation and correction of range-variant envelope error in RMA imagery. When using the range migration algorithm (RMA) to performs range cell migration correction (RCMC) for radar raw data, there will be serious range-variant envelope errors in the RMA imagery. The purpose of this program is to estimate this envelope error through the range alignment method in ISAR , and use the Chirp-Z transform to compensate this envelope error. For the detailed information about the input, output and parameters of this code, please refer to the config.m and readme files in the code.

Code Site: Code Link:
Code Size: ? bytes
Code MD5 Checksum: ?

Code Access Instructions: Extraction code: w720 Note: this website link contains test data and code.

Code Languages: Other - MATLAB

To compile code: MATLAB version from 2014a to 2018a.

Sensor Categories: SAR

Geophysical Model: Direct

Geophysical Categories: Atmosphere: Other, Land: Other