Code Record


[DOI: 10.21982/M8S042] MTRC compensation
Mengdao, Xing
Effective methods for coherent processing and Migration Through Range Cell(MTRC) compensation after translational motion compensation in ISAR imaging. Available signal processing methods are Keystone Transformation and Dechirp Clean. Before you run the main function, run the function Data_Produce to ensure that the simulation data has been produced.

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Code Size: 9168 bytes
Code MD5 Checksum: 054c544d787255da52d61407057a2cd6

Appears in: [1] Z. Bao, M. D. Xing, and T. Wang, Radar Imaging Approaches. Beijing,
China: Electron. Ind. Press, 2005

[2] Z. Bao, C. Sun, and M. Xing, “Time-frequency approaches to ISAR
imaging of maneuvering targets and their limitations,” IEEE Trans.
Aerosp. Electron. Syst., vol. 37, pp. 1091–1099, July 2001.

[3] X. Lv , M.Xing, S.Zhang, Z.Bao, “Keystone transformation of the Wigner–Ville distribution for analysis of multi-component LFM signals”, Signal Processing 89 (2009) 791–806.

[4] M.Xing, R.Wu, Z.Bao, “High resolution ISAR imaging of high speed moving targets”, IEEProc.—Radar SonarNavig.152(2) (April2005) 58–67.

[5] XING M., BAO Z. ‘Imaging algorithm for steadily flying and maneuvering big targets’. Proc. SPIE, 2001, vol. 4382, pp. 182–190

Code Languages: MATLAB

Sensor Categories: Other - Sensor

Instrument Processing and Calibration Categories: Other - Sensor

Keywords: Inverse Synthetic Apeture Radar(ISAR) imaging, range-Doppler(RD) imaging, range-instantaneous Doppler(RID) imaging