Code Record


[DOI: 10.21982/M8JS3F] MCC
Emery, William
The Maximum Cross-correlation (MCC) method cross-correlates a template sub-window in an initial image with all possible sub-windows of the same size that fall within a larger search window of a second image. The location of the sub-window in the second image that produces the highest cross-correlation with the sub-window in the first image indicates the displacement of that feature. The velocity vector is then calculated by dividing the displacement vector by the time separation between the two images.

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Code Size: 1198579 bytes
Code MD5 Checksum: fd92de7a2cc840123a57c6ee5c664a0f

Appears in: Reference: Bowen, M., Emery, W. J., Wilkin, J. L., Tildesley, P. C., Barton, I. J., & Knewtson, R., 2002: Extracting multiyear surface currents from sequential thermal imagery using the MCC technique. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 2002,19(10):1665-1676.

Code Languages: C++

Sensor Categories: Microwave Radiometer, SAR, Optical Radiometer, Optical Imager

Geophysical Model: Direct

Both Instrument Processing/Calibration and Geophysical Categories: Ocean: Currents, Microwave Radiometer, SAR, Optical Radiometer, Optical Imager

Keywords: Maximum Cross Correlation, Ocean Current Vectors, Feature tracking, Advective ocean currents