Code Record
[DOI: 10.21982/M8G59W] Polarization Synthesis of PolSAR Images
van Zyl, Jakob
Given a polarimetric image, this module synthesizes the radar image for
any specified transmit and receive polarization combination. Angles are
specified by the user for both the Rotation angle (ψ) and the
Ellipticity angle (χ) for both the transmit and recieve antennas.
The Ellipticity angle ranges from -45o (right circular polarization) to 0o (linear polarization) to +45o (left circular polarization), while the Rotation angle ranges from -90o (horizontal polarization), to 0o (vertical polarization) to +90o (horizontal polarization).
The code currently works with one image only.
Code Link: SingleMedium_PropagConst.m
Code Size: 3189 bytes
Code MD5 Checksum: 2c08b1575d2f002b83b3784e21d7cc3c
Appears in: Microwave Radar and Radiometric Remote Sensing, Fawwaz Ulaby and David Long, ISBN: 978-0-472-11935-6, 2014. (Section 5-10.3)
Code Languages: Matlab
Sensor Categories: SAR
Instrument Processing and Calibration Categories: SAR
Keywords: sar, polarization, synthesis